Montessori Parent Guide: 12-18 (adolescent) Years

Parents frequently ask: ‘So, how do I know it is really Montessori?’
What are the essential elements of Montessori education?
What should we look for when considering a Montessori high school education for our rangatahi (adolescent)?

Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand has produced a Parent Guide to help you better understand Montessori education and to find answers to your questions about Montessori.

You can read your Parent Guide online:

Parent Guide 12-18 Years

or download a print version.

Your Parent Guide is in four sections:

In each section we have identified the following:

Essential Elements: These are provided to help you better understand what Montessori can offer your rangatahi.
What it looks like: Examples of how the essential element may ‘look’ in practice are given..
Questions to ask Montessori kaiako (teachers): Some questions are provided that you could ask the Montessori kaiako (teacher).
Questions to ask yourself: By observing in a Montessori environment, you can answer some of your own questions.

Before making a choice for your rangatahi Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand recommends you:

  • visit a Montessori adolescence community
  • take time to observe the community
  • visit the community more than once, and
  • deepen your understanding of what the Montessori adolescence community has to offer your rangatahi.

You could also visit some state high school classes to understand how Montessori rangatahi communities offer a different experience for teenagers in the adolescent years.

This Parent Guide may help you answer the question ‘Can Montessori rangatahi education establish a profound emotional, spiritual and academic base for your teenager’s future?’
